This blog reflects the opinions of ReportThem.org"WHY ARE THEY HIDING?"
I just don't "UNDERSTAND" how all these CEOS of all these "COMPANIES" get to "HIDE" behind these "CUSTOMER CARE, CUSTOMER RELATIONS or CUSTOMER COMPLAINT LINES" and the list can go on and on. They are allowed to put ILLEGAL and DECEPTIVE practices into place without any "CONSEQUENCES FOR THERE ACTIONS".
The "TIME HAS COME " for the "LAWS TO BE CHANGED". And us "HARD WORKING AMERICANS ARE GOING TO CHANGE THEM". How many of us go through calling one of these "COMPANIES" and "GET THE RUN AROUND" Us "HARD WORKING AMERICAN'S are going to hold these "CEOS" accountable.
Let's find the "BEST ATTORNEYS" in the country and start "STRIPPING THE POWER THESE CEOS HAVE".
Let's give them a taste of their own "MEDICINE".
Let's Take America Back Together. Help Get The Message Out And Share This Post.