This blog reflects the opinions of ReportThem.org"WHERE IS THE STIMULUS????????????"
What is going with the "STIMULUS?" not very much. This is moving at "SNAILS PACE". There are "MILLIONS AND MILLIONS" of "US HARD WORKING AMERICANS" suffering and it’s getting "WORSE EVERYDAY". "NO JOB, NO MONEY, NO FOOD, NO HEALTH CARE and the list goes on and on.
Where are "THE LAW MAKERS? They are "HOME SAFE AND SOUND", with their "PAYCHECK, FOOD, HEALTH CARE and the list goes on and on. It's time "US HARD WORKING AMERICAN'S do something about this. We have to get these Law Makers out now, before its "TO LATE FOR US".
Let's ban together and "FIND THE BEST ATTORNEY'S in the country and get this done, "TIME IS RUNNING OUT FOR US HARD WORKING AMERICAN"S"
Help get the message out and share this post. "LET'S TAKE AMERICA BACK BEFORE IT'S TO LATE"