This blog reflects the opinions of ReportThem.org"WHERE IS THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING?"
Well if you are "HOMELESS LIVING IN A SHELTER, LIVING WITH FAMILY OR FRIENDS and SHARING THE COSTS of HOUSING”. Maybe it can be "AFFORDABLE" but how much do you have to "SACRIFICE IN LIFE”? What are these Law Makers doing about this? "NOTHING" All they do is Pass Laws that make us Pay ASTRONOMICAL TAXES, Allow these "LANDLORDS TO OVER CHARGE US HARD WORKING AMERICANS". Where are the "FAIR HOUSING LAWS"?
It should be "CRIMINAL TO OVER CHARGE FOR HOUSING" and the "LANDLORDS" should be "ARRESTED AND PROSECUTED". It's time to "PUT THE LAW MAKERS AND THE LANDLORDS ON THE STREET" like some of us "HARD WORKING AMERICANS". Help get the Message Out and Share The Post.