This blog reflects the opinions of ReportThem.org"WHEN WILL WE GET THE CORRECT DATA"
Well it depends on "WHO YOU ARE TALKING TO, WHO YOU ARE LISTENING TO and WHICH NETWORK YOU ARE WATCHING", it appears you can’t get the same "DATA" from anyone. How are going to get the "VIRUS UNDER CONTROL"? Well the best way is to "LET US AMERICANS" who are in a very bad situation, to get the "DATA " and make the "BEST DECISIONS" to get the "VIRUS" under control.
The "POLITICIANS are only concerned about "KEEPING THEIR JOB" and the "NETWORKS" are only concerned about "KEEPING THERE RATINGS UP". The time "HAS COME FOR US AMERICAN'S" to ban together and "FIND THE BEST ATTORNEYS IN THE COUNTRY" and "TAKE CONTROL OF THIS SITUATION" this is the only way it will get better.
Let's take America back together. Help get the message out and share this post.