This blog reflects the opinions of ReportThem.org"WHAT’S THE PENALTY?"
In our everyday lives "US HARD WORKING AMERICANS' buy goods and services every day of the week from various businesses. But the "PENALTY IS ONLY ONE SIDED" it always sides with the "COMPANIES AND PEOPLE WE DO BUSINESS WITH" If we pay late they charge us "BUT IF THEY HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THERE SERVICE OR GOODS" we have to "FIGHT TO GET SOMETHING" and "US HARD WORKING AMERICANS" not only lose to get satisfaction, "WE ALSO LOSE TIME WE WILL NEVER GET BACK". While we do "HAVE CHOICES IN A LOT OF CASES TO CHANGE", but that doesn't "SOLVE THE PROBLEM".
The Law Makers need to "PASS LAWS" that make it where we can "PENALIZE" the Companies and People we do Business with. And if the "LAW MAKERS" can't get this done, then it's time for "US HARD WORKING AMERICANS" to get it done. Let's find the Best Attorney's In The Country and start the process so "US HARD WORKING AMERICANS" can "PENALIZE the Companies and People we do Business With.
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