This blog reflects the opinions of ReportThem.org" TIME TO CRIMINALIZE THE HEALTH CARE INDUSTRY"
How are we going to "RESOLVE ALL THE ISSUES IN THE HEALTH CARE INDUSTRY?" It's Simple. We need to Pass Laws that make it Criminal for the "ACTIONS" of these Insurance Companies, Pharmaceutical Companies, Law Makers, Lobbyists and Anyone Else Associated with the Industry. The Time Has Come For All Of Them To "DO THE RIGHT THING" And Get Out. And the people who need to Make The Laws is "US HARD WORKING AMERICANS".
The FEDERAL, STATE AND CITY GOVERNMENTS make us "PAY ASTRONOMICAL TAXES" Every Day Of The Week and What Do we get For It. "NOTHING". So Let's Start The Process and Get Rid Of All These People. Let's Find The Best Attorneys In The Country To Help Us. It's Time For Them To Pay With Money Or Jail Time. Let's Give Them The Same Sentences They have Been Giving Us For Years.
Let's Take America Back Together.
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