This blog reflects the opinions of ReportThem.org"THE WHEELS OF JUSTICE"
In today's "JUSTICE SYSTEM" it moves at "SNAIL’S PACE" for "US HARD WORKING AMERICANS". The time has come for the "LAWS" to change. "EVERY TIME" that a situation arises, and we need to get it resolved first we have to fight with the "COMPANY" we are doing "BUSINESS" with and "USUALLY GET NO WHERE". Then we file "COMPLAINTS' with Federal, State or City agencies, sometimes they help and sometimes they don't. But the "THE TIMES THEY DON'T", then we have to get "LEGAL HELP".
Here is where the "PROBLEM" begins, we get into the "JUSTICE SYSTEM" and it "TAKES FOREVER", to get it "RESOLVED". Why should "US HARD WORKING AMERICANS" have to go through this. If "THE LAW MAKERS WON'T CHANGE THE LAWS". Then it's Time For "US HARD WORKING AMERICANS" to get it done.
Let's Speed Up "THE WHEELS OF JUSTICE". Let's Take America Back Together.
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