This blog reflects the opinions of ReportThem.org"The Vote"
Well it's time that the "US HARD WORKING AMERICANS VOTE" on all the important changes that need to be made in "AMERICA". We cannot leave it up to "THE LAW MAKERS TO DO THE RIGHT THING", they aren't capable of doing it. Just look at all the "HISTORY OF THE LAWS THEY PASSED" and you know "HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF". Has any of the "LAWS” they passed helped any of us "HARD WORKING AMERICANS"? The answer is "NO".
While I can list all the "THE LAWS" that don't make "SENSE OR HELP US HARD WORKING AMERICANS" and that list will go on "FOREVER". Let's Find The Best Attorneys In America And Make The Changes That Will Help Us And Not Hurt Us Every day.
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