This blog reflects the opinions of ReportThem.org'THE UNAFFORDABLE CARE ACT"
For the life of me I don't know why they named the Law "AFFORDABLE CARE ACT" that is the furthest thing from the "TRUTH". For all the Law Makers this must be the "BIGGEST LIE EVER TOLD BY A LAW MAKER IN HISTORY". I think one of the most "IGNORANT" things about the Law is you only have "FROM NOVEMBER 1ST TO DECEMBER 15TH" TO SIGN UP. Don't these "IDIOT" Law Makers realize that things "CHANGE IN OUR EVERY DAY LIFE SOMETIMES EVERYDAY" but yet when it comes to "CHANGING OUR HEALTH INSURANCE IT'S ONLY ONCE A YEAR" But the "IDIOT LAW MAKERS CAN RAISE OUR TAXES AT ANYTIME and of course the "TAXES WILL BE ASTRONOMICAL"." Where is the PRICE GOUGING LAW THAT IS ON THE BOOKS IN THE UNITED STATES" and why isn't it USED FOR THESE INSURANCE COMPANIES AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES to keep the PRICES IN CHECK". Now is the 'TIME US HARD WORKING AMERICANS' need to 'FIND THE BEST CLASS ACTION ATTORNEYS' in the country and start SUING EVERY LAW MAKER AND EVERY CEO WHO RUNS AN INSURANCE COMPANY or PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY. We need to send a Message to these LAW MAKERS AND CEO'S That it is time for "US HARD WORKING AMERICAN'S TO MAKE THE LAWS".
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