This blog reflects the opinions of ReportThem.org"The Truth"
Whoever wants to hear the "TRUTH?" "NOBODY" Society is so "OUT OF CONTROL" today. People just don't care" HOW THEY ACT, HOW THEY HURT OTHERS, HOW THEY TREAT OTHERS and the list can "GO ON AND ON FOR EVER" So how do we "FIX SOCIETY?"
While some of these might be "EXTREME" but how do we get "SOCIETY BACK UNDER CONTROL". It's "TIME WE BECOME A CIVIL SOCIETY AGAIN". It’s time for us GOOD PEOPLE who "DO THE RIGHT THING" all the "TIME" To Make These Laws. Let's Start The Process To Get These Law Makers Out and Us Good People In. Let’s Find The Best Attorneys to Help Us Do This. We will all be "BETTER OFF".
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