This blog reflects the opinions of ReportThem.org"The Surplus"
If the Law makers In the Federal, State and City Governments had ANY IDEA ON HOW TO BALANCE THE BUDGETS with the PROPER TAXES not all the Foolish ones they come up with. We would "ALWAYS HAVE A SURPLUS" Here are the top Taxes that should be passed into Law.
How many times during the course of your Day, Week or Month do you come across "SOMEONE Or EVERYONE" who has an EGO, WHO IS GREEDY WHO HAS AN ATTITUDE; THINKS THEY ARE ENTITLED OR HASSLE'S SOMEONE. You Put these Taxes into LAW and They will be able to "CUT SO MANY OTHER TAXES" But the Problem is that "ALL THE LAW MAKERS ARE THE ONES WITH THE EGO, GREED, ATTITUDE, SENSE OF ENTITLEMENT and HASSLE SOMEONE". That's why Those of us who “DON'T HAVE AN EGO, WHO AREN’T GREEDY, WHO DON'T HAVE AN ATTITUDE, SENSE OF ENTITLEMENT, or HASSLE SOMEONE" need to be the ones Making The Laws.
It's time to kick out the current Law Makers. "REMEMBER IT DOESN'T COST ANYTHING TO BE NICE" Help Get The Message Out And Share This Post.