This blog reflects the opinions of ReportThem.orgTHE DREADED PHONE CALL
How many have TIMES IN A WEEK do we have to call to get Service or Support for a Product we purchased from a Company. It’s very sad that these COMPANIES that we purchase Items or Services from charge TOP DOLLAR for their products or services and when the time comes for us to get help because their Product or Service is Not Working, Defective or Any Other Situation Arises. So, they give you a 1-800 number to call to get the service you need and guess where that call is going to? "YOU GOT IT, A FOREIGN COUNTRY". You wonder why these Greedy people who run these companies are allowed to do this. They do that because they pay THEM ONE THIRD OF WHAT THEY would have to pay us HARD WORKING AMERICANS here in the USA. Then the level of service you get is NO SERVICE you ask why how many times the call gets cut off how many times they don't understand your needs and the list is endless. I get Companies need to make money. But when THESE GREEDY PEOPLE WHO RUN THESE COMPANIES TAKE JOBS AWAY FROM US HARD WORKING AMERICANS EVERYDAY SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE. Then the Jobs they send to other Countries Those employees DON'T PAY ANY TAXES TO AMERICA. We purchase the Products or Services IN the USA and PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR THE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES AND ASTRONOMICAL TAXES ON THE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES. It’s time we get THE MESSAGE TO THE LAW MAKERS that we aren't going to tolerate this anymore and the "LAWS NEED TO CHANGE.” Help get the message out and Share This Post