This blog reflects the opinions of ReportThem.orgTHE DEATH SENTENCE
It’s very sad that the Law Makers have passed laws that allow the Insurance Companies and The Pharmaceutical Companies to ISSUE UNWANTED DEATH SENTENCES to us Innocent "HARD WORKING AMERICANS" by their business practices that allow them to charge astronomical rates. The Law Makers go on vacation then all the breaks they take when the Government is not in session and it seems like they aren't in session much. They go about their business without FINISHING THE BUSINESS FOR US HARD WORKING AMERICANS WHO ARE STRUGGLING EVERYDAY. It's time we send a message to the Law Makers that they can't go Home, Vacation or Go on Breaks and they need to put their EGO'S away till EVERY MAN, WOMEN AND CHILD Has affordable Insurance. It's time for Us "HARD WORKING AMERICANS TO TAKE BACK AMERICA"
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