This blog reflects the opinions of ReportThem.orgThe Class Action
The time of the year is going to come soon where will need to choose "OUR HEALTH INSURANCE" Let's see what these CRIMINAL'S come up with this year on how much "MONEY" they are "GOING TO EXTORT" from "US HARD WORKING AMERICAN'S" we need to get out in front of this. Let's Start Looking For The Best "ATTORNEYS" In The Country and Start Suing "THE LAW MAKERS, THE INSURANCE COMPANIES THE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES, AND THE PEOPLE WHO RUN THESE COMPANIES". The time has come for Us To Take "ACTION". These things don't happen in a lot of the "FOREIGN LANDS" because if it did "ALL PARTIES WOULD BE IMPRISONED" or "EXECUTED". It's time for us to "GIVE THEM THE SAME CHOICES" they give "US HARD WORKING AMERICANS"
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