This blog reflects the opinions of ReportThem.org"TAXPAYER MONEY"
What is going on with all the "WASTE OF TAXPAYER MONEY" The Federal, State and City Governments are doing with it. They should be "SPENDING IT ON THINGS THAT MATTER TO US HARD WORKING AMERICANS". Like Affordable "HOUSING, HEALTH CARE, FOOD AND PRESCRIPTIONS AND THE LIST GO'S ON AND ON.
But yet they are "WASTING IT" On things that "DON'T MATTER" Like Impeachment of the "PRESIDENT". They should be working on Making Society Civil to Each Other, Keeping Jobs In America and Not Sending Them To Foreign Lands, Lower Interest Rates and The List Can Go On And On For "US HARD WORKING AMERICANS WHO PAY ASTRONOMICAL TAXES". Let's Find The Best Attorneys In America To Start "IMPEACHING THE LAW MAKERS".
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