This blog reflects the opinions of ReportThem.orgTAKE BACK AMERICA
Its time for us HARD WORKING AMERICANS TO TAKE BACK AMERICA. The law makers have passed so many laws that don't help us "HARD WORKING AMERICANS" Most of the laws they pass are just "LEGAL EXTORTION" for these companies as well as the Federal, State and City Governments do the same Extort Money From Us Hard Working Americans
Astronomical Taxes
High Interest Rates
Astronomical Insurance Premiums
Astronomical Medical and Prescription
High Utility Costs
Astronomical Education Costs
High Cable TV Costs
High Cell Phone Bill's
and the list go's on and on
Lets send a message to the LAW MAKERS that we aren't going to tolerate it any more.Lets tell them to step up and "DO THE RIGHT THING" Help get the message out and Share This Post.