This blog reflects the opinions of ReportThem.org"STUCK IN A SITUATION"
How many of "US HARD WORKING AMERICAN'S" are "STUCK IN A SITUATION" with Home, Work or Both. Sometimes Things aren't in Our Control or We Were Dealt A Bad Hand In Life. How Many of Us Are Stuck In a Shitty Job Like Retail and Restaurants?
The Worst Are The "FAST CASUAL OR QUICK SERVE RESTAURANTS". They treat you like SLAVES and "PAY YOU LOW WAGES" and Many Customers Shouldn't be "ALLOWED IN PUBLIC PLACES" for how they treat us. And these are Just a Few of the Places that are Shitty. Then the Owners or The Franchise come in and "BERATES YOU" or treats you like a 2 year old when things are wrong. "WHERE ARE THE LAW MAKERS" and "WHAT ARE THEY DOING ABOUT IT". "ABSOLUTELY NOTHING" as Usual. It’s time for "US HARD WORKING AMERICANS" To Take Back America. The Government Would Never Be in a Deficit if they were to Tax All the People Who Have An Ego, Attitude, Greedy, Stupid, "ASSHOLE" and the list can go on and on.
Help Get The Message Out Share This Post. Rate Your Place Of Employment. Let’s Send A Message Loud And Clear We Aren't Going To Take It Anymore and Lets Teach Them a "LESSON THEY WILL NEVER FORGET"