This blog reflects the opinions of ReportThem.orgON TIME
Just another issue that IMPACT'S our everyday LIFE and the Law Makers have FAILED FOR EVER to fix this problem for us HARD WORKING AMERICAN'S. How many of us have to go to a Doctor, Dentist or any other in the Medical Field for care and ever had your SCHEDULED APPOINTMENT TIME MET? Most Likely Never, but we are still required to "PAY THE FULL AMOUNT". All they do is say they are sorry and not very often. While we are paying ASTRONOMICAL FEES FOR THE CARE WE GET at least they can be "ON TIME" or offer a discount. Our time as "HARD WORKING AMERICANS" is just is VALUABLE. How many of us have to lose time at work who really CAN'T AFFORD TO? It's time for the LAW MAKERS to step up and DO THE RIGHT THING and it's obvious they can't and that's where us HARD WORKING AMERICANS need to get the message to the LAW MAKERS to Step Aside and Let Us Make The laws. Let's take AMERICA BACK
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