This blog reflects the opinions of ReportThem.org"HELP VS HASSLE"
How many times whether we are at "WORK, HOME, OUT SHOPPING, DRIVING, EATING AT A RESTAURANT, GETTING OUR CAR FIXED, and the LIST GO'S ON and ON". In this day and age you can "COUNT ON A SITUATION TO ARISE NO MATTER WHAT YOU ARE DOING". Here is just one “EXAMPLE". Just try to get PHONE SUPPORT from a company or speak to a CUSTOMER SERVICE REP about a SITUATION that you need help with from the Company you "PAY OR PAYED A LOT TO" for there "GOODS and SERVICES". Try to GET THEM ON THE PHONE TO SPEAK TO THEM. How many "PROMPTS DOES IT TAKE TO GET THAT PERSON", then you get someone on the line and they are NO HELP AT ALL and most or all of the "PEOPLE YOU GET HAVE A HUGE EGO AND AN ATTITUDE". That's why they should change it to the "HASSLE LINE vs HELP LINE" I find it funny that all these "PEOPLE WHO HANDLE CUSTOMER SERVICE ISSUES SHOULD REALIZE THEY WILL BE ON THE OTHER END OF ONE OF THOSE CALLS SOME DAY". They should realize it "COST'S NOTHING TO BE NICE" but they allow their “EGO AND ATTITUDE TO TAKE OVER". Then you try to change the COMPANY THAT YOU DO BUSINESS WITH to penalize them by not doing business with them. That doesn't work because in this DAY and AGE you pick the LESSER OF THE EVILS when deciding which company to do "BUSINESS" with.
This is why there needs to be LAWS put in "PLACE BY US HARD WORKING AMERICANS" That don't allow the COMPANIES TO OPERATE THIS WAY. Help Get The Message Out And Share This Post.