This blog reflects the opinions of ReportThem.orgGUILTY TIL PROVEN INNOCENT 350 TO 850
What happened to the days of INNOCENT TIL PROVEN GUILTY? The Credit Reporting Agencies are so out of control and THE LAW MAKERS have given them the power to CONVICT INNOCENT people even with a good fight and providing all the evidence to prove they are 100% innocent still doesn't help. They just put people into Financial Ruins FOR YEARS. It most situations the Credit Reporting Agencies have got it WRONG, Don't want to OWN UP TO IT and "DO THE RIGHT THING" I bet there are many situations that come up in everyday life that isn't the INNOCENT'S fault. One example is Identity Theft and I'm sure there are many others. Even Law Enforcement Can't catch these CRIMINALS. Why should us HARD WORKING AMERICAN'S be convicted, and we have all the Evidence to prove otherwise. It takes "TIME AND MONEY THAT WE WILL NEVER GET BACK." IT'S TIME FOR THE "LAW MAKERS" TO PASS LAWS THAT WILL HELP US "HARD WORKING AMERICANS". Help get the message to the Law Makers and Share This Post and Let's Take America Back.