This blog reflects the opinions of ReportThem.org"DECEPTION"
How many times during the course of the DAY, WEEK, MONTH, and YEAR are companies you do business with or want to do business with "DECEIVE US"? How many of these COMPANIES are in "AMERICA and DON'T DISCLOSE" that "THEIR PRODUCTS ARE MADE IN A FOREIGN LAND AND THAT ALL THEIR CUSTOMER SERVICE CALLS GO TO A FOREIGN LAND ALSO". What are these "LAW MAKERS DOING" allowing these Companies to "DECEIVE US HARD WORKING AMERICANS". We elect these "LAW MAKERS TO DO THE RIGHT THING" and "WHAT DO THEY DO THE WRONG THING". These Companies Pay Very Little in "TAXES OR NO TAXES AT ALL" and Then "THEY HIRE ALL THESE PEOPLE IN THE FOREIGN LANDS WHICH PAY NO TAXES AT ALL". Have you ever had to call "CUSTOMER SERVICE THAT IS IN A FOREIGN LAND" then you will understand what I'm trying to say? It’s "TIME THESE COMPANIES STOP THE DECEPTION" and "DISCLOSE THE TRUTH ABOUT THERE BUSINESS PRACTICES" So "US HARD WORKING AMERICANS" Won't be "DECEIVED" By These Companies.
But The Only Way This Will Happen If "WE HARD WORKING AMERICANS ARE MAKING THE LAWS" It's Time We Join Forces And Remove These Law Makers. Let's Start The Process And Find The Best Attorneys In The Country And Get This Done.
Let's Take America Back Together. Help Get The Message Out And Share This Post.