This blog reflects the opinions of ReportThem.org"10,080 MINUTES"
That's the amount of "MINUTES THAT ARE IN A WEEK". How many times during the week you call " BUSINESSES, FRIENDS, FAMILY and SO ON" and they don't "GET BACK TO YOU", I "BET A LOT". There are several ways they can get back to you today, "TEXTS, EMAILS, LETTERS, PHONE CALLS, FACE TIME SOCIAL MEDIA and so the list can go on. What is wrong with "PEOPLE" that they can't find a minute to get back to you. I find that hard to believe.
This is what “SOCIETY HAS COME TO". How "DO WE GET PEOPLE TO DO THE RIGHT THING?". Well while these might be extreme but here is list "TAXATION, SUPPRESSION, INCARCERATION, EXECUTION" and "SO ON".
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